AN ANALYSIS ON SPEECH ACT IN CHILDREN FROM AGES 8-12 IN KUPANG. (A Study Based on Systemic Functional Linguistic)

LAMEN, Veronika Abong (2022) AN ANALYSIS ON SPEECH ACT IN CHILDREN FROM AGES 8-12 IN KUPANG. (A Study Based on Systemic Functional Linguistic). Undergraduate thesis, Artha Wacana Christian University.

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The title of this writing is ‘‘An Analysis On Speech Act In Children From Ages 8-12 In Kupang’. The research problem of this study is What are the types of speech act that used by the children from ages 8-12 in Kupang?. The aim of this study is to find out the types of speech act that used by the children from ages 8-12 in Kupang. In this research the writer used qualitative method. The subject of this research were 8 children from ages 8-12 (3 female and 5 male) in komodo Street, Oesapa Kupang. Data collection techniques in this research the writer used recording technique of conversation by 8 children from the age of 8-12 in Kupang. The instruments needed in this research the writer used observation instruments. After analyzing the data, the writer found that there are three type of speech act namely: First. LocutionaryAct; Vini, Dia bilang kasih beta ini koin! Second. IllocutionaryAct : a). Representative; (1). Asserting; Kakak buka pintu,kakak panas (2). Informing; Ayo bermain yang ke begini ni (3). Describing; Coba tarik tendes dia punya ini (4). Arguing; Aduh sakit jangan tending-tendang beta. b). Directive (1). Asking; Ale bermain? (2). Ordering; Beta pesan satu es krim dan donat (3). Commanding; Tutup jenda nanti bola keluar (4). Suggesting; Ini hari talalu pans katong minum es buah telalu enak (5).Begging; Nona foto beta sementara beta pegang tembak c). Commissive; (1).Hoping; Semoga ini tahun hanya angin saja jangan hujan (2).Predicting; Beta pu bapa mangakali sore baru pulang selesai jual ikan (3). Promising; Beta janji akan kasih lu bola. d). Expressive; (1).Praising; Awi pung bagus lai (2). Thanking; Trimaksih Nona.e). Declarative; (1). Confirming; Kasih keras lai itu suara musik, katong sonde bisa dengar(2).Approving; Ho,mari su (3).Naming; Beta kasih beta pu anjing nama Rembo (4). Disapproving; Eh, lu dengan vini saja, beta sonde mau. Third. PerlocutionaryAct;Vini, tanta Eda panggil lu. The writer hopes this research will add more knowledge to readers about speech act in children.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Analysis, Speech Act, children Ages 8-12
Subjects: L Education > English Language
Divisions: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan > Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Mr Admin UKAW
Date Deposited: 13 Jul 2022 04:36
Last Modified: 13 Jul 2022 04:36

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