“An Analysis of Ngoko Java Language Maintenance by East Java Youngsters of Arek Jatim Community at Kupang City”

FEBRIYANTI, Fransisca Errina (2021) “An Analysis of Ngoko Java Language Maintenance by East Java Youngsters of Arek Jatim Community at Kupang City”. Undergraduate thesis, Artha Wacana Christian University.


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The title of this writing is “An Analysis of Ngoko Java Language Maintenance by East Java Youngsters of ArekJatim Community at Kupang City”. This research was conducted to answer two research problems; 1. What are the reasons and efforts of East Java Youngsters still use and maintaining Ngoko Java Language at Kupang City?; and 2. What are the factors of East Java Youngsters in maintaining Ngoko Java Language at Kupang City?. It is an analysis of maintaining Ngoko Java language in Kupang City by East Java Youngsters. The writer used descriptive qualitative method (interview and documentary analysis) as the data and facts served in narrative explanation and grouped the conversation that suitable the language used. And the result of interview showed and answered those research problems about reasons, efforts, and factors of maintaining Ngoko Java language that did by East Java Youngsters of ArekJatim Community in Kupang City. The reasons of maintaining Ngoko Java language are it is easier to build communication, it can encourage the same Javanese to still use and maintain Ngoko Java language, it is a habits of East Java Youngsters for using Ngoko Java language. The efforts of maintaining Ngoko Java language are join in a community like ArekJatim community they will get good communication and build self- identity for where they are come from, they ask to their parents, family to speak use Ngoko Java language. The factors of maintaining Ngoko Java language are the people around and community that they are join is.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Ngoko Java language, Language Maintenance, Qualitative Method
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
L Education > English Language
Divisions: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan > Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Mr Admin UKAW
Date Deposited: 14 Jul 2022 03:23
Last Modified: 14 Jul 2022 03:23
URI: http://repo-ukaw.superspace.id/id/eprint/519

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