NIPPU, Nio Trifena (2023) A SEMANTIC ANALYSIS ON COMPONENTS OF NEGOTIATION IN OESAPA TRADITIONAL MARKET. Undergraduate thesis, Artha Wacana Christian University.

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Negotiation is the process between two or more parties who initially have different understanding, until they eventually reach an agreement. While meaning negotiation refers to the action that occurs when the listener suggests to the speaker that the message is unclear so that the speakers and listeners work linguistically to resolve this situation. The researcher investigated the negotiation components used in the traditional Oesapa market. The study consists of two research issues as follows: 1) What are the negotiating components used by sellers and buyers in the traditional Oesapa market? 2) What are the dominant components of the negotiation used by sellers and buyers in the traditional Oesapa market? The aim of this study is to answer the problems present in this study using the theory by Pica et. all (1991) on meaning negotiation. This study uses qualitative descriptive method to describe the results. The research used audio recording techniques to collect data. The researcher found that there are four negotiation components used by sellers and buyers in the traditional Oesapa market: triggers, signals, responses, and follow-up. All components in the negotiation are used by the seller and buyer in their conversations. But the trigger is the dominant components used by sellers and buyers in negotiations, while the lowest component is the response. By knowing the components of negotiations, the writer conclude there are 4 components of negotiation and that the dominant negotiation component used by sellers and buyers in the traditional Oesapa market is the trigger.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Speaking, Trigger, Negotiation, and Traditional Oesapa Market.
Subjects: L Education > English Language
Divisions: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan > Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Mr Admin UKAW
Date Deposited: 02 Feb 2024 03:59
Last Modified: 02 Feb 2024 03:59
URI: http://repo-ukaw.superspace.id/id/eprint/3266

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